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The sun pours its golden light while the birds are singing in waves of green. Ah Summer!


Ever wonder why the longest day of the year occurs? Well read on and find out all about it!

Summer Solstice - often called midsummer - is a powerful planetary moment when the tilt of the earth brings us, and the North Pole, closest to the sun. It occurs this year on June 21. The Solstice marks the official beginning of summer in the northern half of the globe.

On June 21, the Northern Hemisphere will dip towards the sun and bathe in direct sunlight. The sun reaches its northern most position and its zenith stands still over the Tropic of Cancer. We will have the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Then, the sun reverses direction and starts moving south again.

Cool Fact: The Sumer Solstice is the only day of the year when all locations inside the arctic circle experience a continuous period of daylight for 24 hrs. This phenomenon is most noticeable at the Arctic Circle where the sun hugs the horizon hence the term “Land of the Midnight Sun”.


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